
Language and citizenship tests: 7 essential articles for German naturalisation

Rachel Loxton
Rachel Loxton - [email protected]
Language and citizenship tests: 7 essential articles for German naturalisation
A person takes a German language class. Naturalisation requires German skills. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild | Robert Michael

With the citizenship law coming into effect soon, many international residents in Germany are getting ready to apply. Here's a list of some articles with a focus on language requirements and citizenship tests to help you on the way.


Germany's citizenship rules will change on June 27th 2024. When the new law comes into force, foreign residents will be able to apply for citizenship after five years of legal residence in Germany instead of eight years. Holding multiple nationalities will also be allowed in future. 

But what about language requirements?

We explain what level of German you'll need for the various paths to citizenship here: 

To prove your language level, you will likely need to take a test. We spoke to a language teacher for tips on how to pass the exams: 

Last year, we asked readers of The Local who have passed the B1 language test to share their advice. Here's what they had to say:


Under the fast-track route for gaining German citizenship, applicants will need C1 level German (along with three years of residence and proof of exceptional integration). In this article, Sarah Magill talks us through her experience of passing the exam: 

Citizenship test essential articles:

Another requirement for the majority of people when naturalising is that you have to pass the German citizenship test. Imogen Goodman talks us through her experience of sitting the test in Berlin and shares her tips: 

Want to try out an (English language) version of the German citizenship test yourself in the form of a quiz? Look no further!

One thing to keep in mind is that Germany is planning to shake up its citizenship test questions. We explain the changes you can expect here: 



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