
Inside France For Members

Inside France: Debt, the power of the street and Napoleon

Emma Pearson
Emma Pearson - [email protected]
Inside France: Debt, the power of the street and Napoleon
Something weird about France? It's probably related to Napoleon. Photo by THOMAS COEX / AFP

There's a lot of financial chat in France this week as the country's 'wild' budget deficit was revealed and discussions have begun about cuts to the social model, but we're also talking about Easter holidays (and why we get fewer than our neighbours) and Napoleon - our weekly newsletter Inside France digests the latest.


Inside France is our weekly look at some of the news, talking points and gossip in France that you might not have heard about. It’s published each Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox, by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.

Tightening belts

France is facing stringent spending cuts after its budget deficit was revealed to be €154 billion or 5.5 percent of GDP. For non-economists that basically means that France has been spending more than it makes, and in fact has been doing so for decades - it last balanced its books in 1975 and any suggestion of cuts to its famously generous social model spark furious and sometimes violent protests.

As a foreigner, it's easy to roll your eyes when you see the incensed French reaction to suggestions that they should give up things like free taxi rides to medical appointments, state-subsidised holidays or indeed retiring at 62 on a generous pension.

But coming from a country that has seen its public services hollowed out by 14 years of 'austerity' politics (which oddly enough never seem to cut generous tax breaks for the rich) I'm becoming more and more appreciative of the French commitment to protecting their social model.

Clearly it's not sustainable for a country to endlessly spend more than it earns so change might be inevitable. And some of the more generous aspects of France's social policies could probably survive a trim. 

READ ALSO Can you really get €6k a month on benefits in France?

But around the world we see endless of examples of such cuts disproportionately affecting people who are already the worst off and most vulnerable in a society. At least in France the pouvoir de la rue (power of the street - basically the likelihood of strikes and protests) acts as a counter-balance.


Talking France

We're chatting all things budget related on the Talking France podcast this week, as well as art, scenic train journeys, what changes in April and how much money you need to be considered 'rich' in France. Listen here or on the link below.


Easter  eggs

Easter is a rare case when we in France get less time off work than our colleagues around Europe, since Good Friday is not a holiday in France - unless you are in one of three départements in the north-east.

The explanation for this seems to me to be almost quintessentially French since it involves all of the touchstones - Napoleon, state secularism, historic wars and a compromise after locals threatened to get feisty.

Why is Good Friday not a holiday in (most of) France?

If you come across a weird fact about France there's a high chance that the explanation is either a) Napoleon or b) French overseas territories. 

Slice of history


One of my favourite things about Paris is how often you stumble on an unexpected piece of artwork or a temporary exhibition. This week, deciding to walk back along the Champs-Elysées after an appointment in the posh bit of town, I found myself gazing at a mini photo exhibition marking the contribution of French and American women during WWII.

Part of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings this summer, it included some fascinating information and great photos - such as this one of a Paris woman pairing her handgun with a neat tweed suit and patterned headscarf.

A photo exhibition on the contribution of French and American women during WWII. Photo: The Local

Inside France is our weekly look at some of the news, talking points and gossip in France that you might not have heard about. It’s published each Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox, by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.



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