
Loud bangs heard as Swedish police arrest four over suspected terror plot

AFP/The Local
AFP/The Local - [email protected]
Loud bangs heard as Swedish police arrest four over suspected terror plot
Police at the scene in Tyresö, south of Stockholm, where the four men were arrested. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

Sweden's security service said it had arrested four people in Stockholm for preparing terrorist acts linked to "violent Islamist extremism".


Säpo said the four people had been arrested during an operation conducted in cooperation with the police in the Stockholm area.

"The persons are suspected of preparations for terrorist offences and aggravated weapon offences," Säpo said in a statement.

A number of locations were searched during the operation.

"The case concerns violent Islamist extremism," Säpo continued, adding that there were also links to organised crime.

In a separate statement, the Swedish Prosecution Authority confirmed the arrests and said an investigation was being headed by a prosecutor from its security unit.

It said that it could not provide further details on the case at this moment.


Newspaper Expressen said that local residents had reported hearing several loud bangs as police stormed buildings in a southern suburb of Stockholm.

Expressen said the police's National Task Force had likely used shock grenades as it entered the premises of an Islamic organisation in the suburb of Tyresö.


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om prakash yadav 2024/03/08 10:49
what these Islamic organisation want from innocent people..? These guys dig holes for them self then they expect humanitarian support. First themselves ask are you guys humans? regards Om

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