
IN PICTURES: French farmers blockade Paris

The Local France
The Local France - [email protected]
IN PICTURES: French farmers blockade Paris
French farmers drive past Hotel des Invalides in western Paris on Friday. Photo by MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP

The farmers' protests finally arrived in Paris on Friday, as convoys of tractors blocked the streets and trundled past the capital's famous landmarks, with some pausing to have a barbecue.


Protests from angry farmers brought many French roads to a standstill in January, but the capital was largely spared disruption - despite threats to 'besiege Paris' and cut access to the city's vital food market at Rungis.

In the event, union leaders agreed to call off the actions before most farmers got as far as Paris.


However one month later, the protests have arrived in Paris as two convoys of tractors trundled slowly into the city centre on Friday.

LATEST tractor convoys arrive in Paris

French farmers drive tractors  on the Rue Fremicourt, western Paris. Photo by MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP


The convoys began by conducting opérations escargots (rolling roadblocks) on the Paris ringroad, before moving in to the city centre at around midday.

French farmers drive tractors bearing placards reading Department of the Haute-Savoie and "Farming, dream of it as a kid, dying of it today". Photo by Miguel MEDINA / AFP

Once there, they travelled slowly past some of the capital's most famous landmarks including the Eiffel Tower and Les Invalides - many decorated with banners or signs showing the village of département they had travelled from.

French farmers drive tractors past the Eiffel Tower. Photo by MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP

A group of farmers paused in Place Vauban and set up a barbecue.

BBQ on Place Vauban in Paris. Photo by Miguel MEDINA / AFP

The farmers are demonstrating ahead of the Saturday start of the Paris Salon de 'lAgriculture - France's biggest farm show and also the deadline that union leaders had set the government to come up with concrete proposals to address their grievances.

A farmer from the Alsace region poses with tractors near the Eiffel Tower. Photo by Miguel MEDINA / AFP
CRS - Compagnies Republicaines de Securite - police officers stand next to tractors. Photo by MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP
A dairy farmer walks next to a giant cow sculpture bearing national colours and reading "fair milk" near the Ecole Militaire. Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP



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