
Work permits For Members

IN BRIEF: Sweden's plans to raise work permit salary threshold to 34,200 kronor

Emma Löfgren
Emma Löfgren - [email protected]
IN BRIEF: Sweden's plans to raise work permit salary threshold to 34,200 kronor
Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard and the chair of the inquiry, Ann-Jeanette Eriksson. Photo: Fredrik Surell/TT

Sweden should from next year raise the work permit threshold to the median salary, with exemptions for some categories of workers, according to a new government report.


The report, which was presented to Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard on Thursday, proposes that the new salary threshold for work permits come into force by June 1st 2025.

The median salary changes every year, but currently stands at 34,200 kronor a month.

For work permit renewals, current rules (80 percent of the median salary) will continue to apply for any applications for extensions submitted to the Migration Agency by June 1st 2026 at the latest.

The inquiry also suggests that the government be given the power to announce exceptions from the median salary threshold.

It should base these on suggestions put forward by the Migration Agency with the help of Sweden’s Public Employment Service and relevant industry actors. Exceptions would take into account professions where there's a skills gap in Sweden or "in certain parts of Sweden".


Some of these exceptions should, according to the inquiry's recommendations, also include researchers and newly graduated students in Sweden who are switching from a student permit to a work permit, as well as foreigners with a degree in medicine, nursing or dentistry from their home country, who are working in a low-paid profession as part of obtaining their Swedish certification.


The government should also be able to exclude some professions entirely from the work permit system, suggests the inquiry.

These could initially, it argues, include care assistants and berry pickers, two professions where there’s been widespread reported misuse of work permits, for example a lack of documentation or people being brought to Sweden under false pretences.

Berry pickers would however still be able to come to Sweden as seasonal workers.

The next step now is for the government to draft proposals based on the inquiry, which will then be sent out to consultation before a bill is voted on in parliament.

How will you be affected by the higher salary threshold? Post your thoughts or questions in the comments, or email [email protected]. The Local's editorial team will cover this proposal in more depth in the coming days and weeks.



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