
Appeal launched to identify 'Frenchman' found dead in England

The Local France
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Appeal launched to identify 'Frenchman' found dead in England
A computer-generated image of what the unidentified man is believed to have looked like. Image: Locate International

'The key to this mystery lies in France' - according to the international organisation which has launched an appeal to finally identify a man found dead in England six years ago.


His body was found at an isolated farm in England in 2017 and he has never been identified - but now new scientific tests reveal that that man spent his childhood in France, and is also believed to have spent some time in Switzerland. 

The skeletal remains of the man were found in a barn in Hampshire, southern England, in December 2017 - he had no form of ID and medical examiners could only determine that he was aged between 35 and 50 and was 175cm (5ft 7ins) tall. 


He remained unidentified, but now the UK-based missing persons charity Locate International has commissioned extra DNA testing which reveals that the man spent his childhood in France - analysis reveals that until the age of 12 he lived in south-east France, Corsica and Switzerland.

Inquiries in 2019 with a computer-generated image of what the man would have looked like produced several witnesses who said they had seen him sleeping rough in the area around Hampshire where his body was found.

Witnesses said he spoke with a "strong French accent" and told people that he had previously served in the French military and was deaf in one ear from an explosion. 


Anyone with any information can contact Locate International on 0300 102 1011 or by email at [email protected] - information can be left anonymously. 



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