
Talking France Paywall free

PODCAST: France fears far-right violence and should the French ditch their crazy numbers?

The Local France
The Local France - [email protected]
PODCAST: France fears far-right violence and should the French ditch their crazy numbers?
Image: the Local

The Talking France podcast is back looking at the threat from violent far-right activists, and how this connects to France's new immigration bill - plus smoking on beaches, new flight routes and what we would love to change about the French language to make it easier to learn.


Host Ben McPartland is joined by The Local France's Emma Pearson, Genevieve Mansfield and John Lichfield to talk about all the latest from France. 

We're starting off with the threat of far-right violence in France - after the murder of a schoolboy in a French village led to clashes on the streets with neo-Nazis. 

You can find the Talking France podcast on Spotify, Apple or Google podcasts, download it here or listen on the link below


And we're also looking at how this connects to France's political landscape and immigration debate. 

As the wife of the 'Ogre of the Ardennes' is back in court, we explain at the serial killer case that shocked France, and some of the country's other high-profile unsolved cases. 


As the French government rolls out plans to ban smoking on beaches, we're examining how France's smoking laws compare to the rest of Europe, and whether it's still fair to refer to France as the 'chimney of Europe'.

And finally - we're looking at why France has 'crazy' numbers - and the changes that we would love to see to make the French language a little easier for foreigners to learn.

Talking France is a free podcast made possible by the generous support of members of The Local - you can find all previous episodes here and take part in our reader survey here or via the form below





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