
Swedish police to ban ALL bags at major concerts and sporting events

The Local Sweden
The Local Sweden - [email protected]
Swedish police to ban ALL bags at major concerts and sporting events
Sweden's Kosovare Asllani and Italy's Manuela Giugliano at a football match in Malmö this week. Photo: Andreas Hillergren/TT

Sweden will ban bags at all major events due to the heightened risk of terror attacks.


The police said that the ban would take effect “gradually” and apply to all future decisions on permits for events.

It will be decided on a case-by-case basis whether an event counts as “major”.

Some of the events covered by the ban will be concerts, festivals and sporting events such as national team competitions, and matches played in the Swedish football league and ice hockey league.

People who have a medical need to bring a bag will be exempt from the ban.

Police said that they had decided on a total ban on bags due to the “current situation in society and the fact that the terror threat level is at four”, but did otherwise not elaborate on specific details.

Sweden in August raised its national terror threat level from three to four on a five-point scale.

The Swedish security service said at the time that Sweden had become a “prioritised target” for violent extremists, after a series of Quran burnings in the country and a disinformation campaign alleging the social services kidnap Muslim children.


Two Swedish football fans were shot dead in an apparent terror attack in Brussels last month, on the same day Sweden’s national team were set to play Belgium.


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Anonymous 2023/11/02 12:13
Since we know where the perpetrators and their supporters are coming from, why not cancel all flights / travel to those countries ? Deport the “troublemakers” and immediate family. If you preach hate, you are no longer welcome in Sweden.

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