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PODCAST: Why Germany is cutting access to Elterngeld and how important is beer to Germans?

The Local Germany
The Local Germany - [email protected]
PODCAST: Why Germany is cutting access to Elterngeld and how important is beer to Germans?
Germany in Focus. A podcast by The Local. Image: The Local

In the latest episode we talk about being fooled by Germany's new online car registration service, why the government is cutting access to Elterngeld for higher earners, EU Blue Card changes coming, Oktoberfest, the history and culture of beer in Germany and regional foods.


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In the latest episode of our Germany in Focus podcast, host Rachel Loxton is joined by panelists Rachel Stern and Sarah Magill. Our sound engineer is Rhys Edwards.

We start off by taking about a new service for registering your car online in Germany and Sarah tells us why it's a bureaucratic nightmare.

We talk about why the German government is planning to cut access for higher earners to a parental leave allowance called Elterngeld.

With the skilled immigration law reform set to come into force in Germany, we’ll be discussing the first changes which mainly involve the EU Blue Card. 


Oktoberfest starts on Saturday. We talk about how important this festival is and hear from Christina Schönberger, a Brewing engineer at BarthHaas, on German beer culture and history. 

Finally, we share some regional delicacies from around Germany that you should try.



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