VIDEO: ‘The best of both worlds’: escape to a better life in the heart of Sweden

Are you searching for a better quality of life? If you long to escape city life and spend more time in nature without losing all the advantages of being connected, you should really know about the Greater Örebro Area.

Published: Wed 7 Sep 2022 11:23 CEST
VIDEO: ‘The best of both worlds’: escape to a better life in the heart of Sweden
A local enjoying the beautiful natural spaces of the Örebro region. Photo: Frida Edlund

Why? In the video below, Iris, a Dutch entrepreneur who lives in Grythyttan, and Lars, a German nurse now based in Lindesberg, explain what made each of them move to this enchanting yet fast-growing region.

Both love the ease with which they can explore the lush forests, deep blue lakes and quaint timeless villages surrounding them, and have gained a stronger sense of work-life balance than they had in their home countries. With the cosmopolitan and thriving city of Örebro as the heart of the region, there's something to meet the needs of every lifestyle.

Unlike much of rural Sweden, some of Scandinavia's largest cities remain within easy reach of Örebro – Stockholm and Gothenburg are around a two-hour ride on a fast train, and Oslo is just over four hours away.

Want the ‘best of both worlds’? Learn why talented international people are making a ‘smart move’ to the Greater Örebro Area




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