
Euro falls to 20-year low against US dollar

Euro falls to 20-year low against US dollar
A $100-dollar bill is seen on top of Euro bills. The euro sunk below $0.99 on Monday, a 20-year-low.(Photo by DANIEL MUNOZ / AFP)

The euro sunk below $0.99 on Monday, a 20-year-low, following the announcement last week that Russia would cut off gas deliveries to Germany via the Nord Stream pipeline.


The euro fell 0.70 percent to 0.9884 dollars Monday at 0535 GMT, its lowest since December 2002.

The European currency has continued to weaken against the dollar since the start of the year, hammered by economic turbulence and uncertainties sparked by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

READ ALSO: What the dollar-euro exchange rate means for Americans in Europe


Russian gas giant Gazprom said Friday the Nord Stream pipeline due to reopen at the weekend would remain shut indefinitely.

It said it had discovered "oil leaks" in a turbine during a planned three-day maintenance operation, and that the pipeline would remain closed until it was repaired.

Resumption of deliveries via the pipeline which runs from near Saint Petersburg to Germany under the Baltic Sea, had been due to resume on Saturday.

Following the imposition of economic sanctions over the Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine, Russia has reduced or halted supplies to different European nations, causing energy prices to soar.

The Kremlin has blamed the reduction of supplies via Nord Stream on European sanctions which it says have blocked the return of a Siemens turbine that had been undergoing repairs in Canada.



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