Which Swedish city is a global hotspot for clean travel?

As the global search for cleaner, more sustainable ways to get around gathers pace, this Swedish city has established itself as an international leader in the field.

Published: Wed 16 Feb 2022 11:04 CEST
Which Swedish city is a global hotspot for clean travel?
Photo: Getty Images

Even in a country that ranks third in the world for spending on research and development (R&D) in relation to GDP, the city on the west coast of Sweden still stands out for its high level of investment in innovation. 

In the video below, we find out how Gothenburg is driving changes that could positively influence the lives of millions, both locally and internationally. From the vision of the city’s own emission-free green zone to the development of electric planes with worldwide potential, watch the video to find out why Gothenburg is a real frontrunner for sustainable transport and travel.

Find out more about business opportunities in Gothenburg, one of the fastest-growing regions in Europe


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Anonymous 2022/01/26 13:55
I may not be an expert, but the range and capacity of battery power aircraft cannot be very good. This is such a deadend technology... I would be more excited if they were at least making electric power from hydrogen fuel cells or something that could actually replace existing capacity.
Anonymous 2022/01/23 18:59
Wonder how the electricity is generated to power the batteries? And how the batteries are built?

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