
The Local Paywall free

How The Local’s members are helping us get better 

James Savage
James Savage - [email protected]
How The Local’s members are helping us get better 

Just over three years since the launch of our membership programme we are humbled to announce that you have helped us reach a milestone of 50,000 members.



It’s hard to adequately express just how grateful we are to everyone who has taken the plunge and become a paying member. A surge in new members at the beginning of the pandemic meant that we were able to stay focused on covering the most important stories. And as we upped our reporting on coronavirus restrictions, new immigration rules, and the fallout from Brexit, you continued to pledge your support. 

As a result membership of The Local rocketed from 15,000 to 50,000 paying subscribers in just over a year and a half. This has allowed us to concentrate on being a key resource for readers. As a member-funded independent publisher, we are now able to spend more time than ever before getting answers on the issues that affect you. 

Back when we launched membership in 2018 we set ourselves the goal of making The Local much more of a two-way conversation between readers and our editorial teams. We have learned a lot from these conversations and are now in a position where we can re-invest revenues into exactly the kind of areas you have asked us to focus on. This means that in 2022 we will be dedicating additional editorial resources to: 

  • Expanded news coverage
  • Answering reader questions
  • Regular updates on rule changes in each country  
  • Immigration and visa issues 
  • Property-related stories 
  • Newsletters and email alerts
  • A major overhaul of our app
  • ...and much, much more. 

We will of course also continue to ask for – and act upon – your feedback when it comes to the stories and topics you would like us to cover. 

This pandemic has been tough for everyone. We hope our reporting has helped make things a little easier. Your support has enabled us to continue to be a vital resource for millions of readers.

Thank you! 


Comments (2)

Join the conversation in our comments section below. Share your own views and experience and if you have a question or suggestion for our journalists then email us at [email protected].
Please keep comments civil, constructive and on topic – and make sure to read our terms of use before getting involved.

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Anonymous 2021/12/16 21:58
I am so glad that The Local is going from strength to strength and long may this continue, but i have a question - what has happened to the podcast Sweden in Focus. It was mentioned that it would return after "a summer break" but still no further podcasts which i found to be extremely informative and good way to discuss the topics of the week.
  • Anonymous 2021/12/17 09:22
    Yes. I also loved listening to the podcast. Would be really glad if it came back.
Anonymous 2021/12/16 18:25
While I appreciate 'The Local' focusing on Covid-related articles, because it's obviously the dominant story, my main reason for subscribing was to gain knowledge about living in Italy. I just hope that Covid does not force that emphasis to the back page. News on Covid in Italy is available on a multiple number of sites, 'living is not.

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