
Sweden ends Afghanistan evacuations

AFP - [email protected]
Sweden ends Afghanistan evacuations
A picture provided by the Swedish Armed Forces of an evacuation flight out of Kabul. Photo: Försvarsmakten/via TT

Sweden has ended its evacuations out of Kabul, after flying more than 1,100 people to Sweden following the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan.


Those evacuated included embassy employees and their families, locally employed guards and their families, armed forces employees and 500 Swedes, Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde said.

In addition, Sweden also evacuated women's rights activists, journalists and EU employees.

But Sweden was unable to evacuate all those on the so-called "Sweden list" of people seeking help to leave the country.

"The incredibly difficult and risky conditions meant we were not able to evacuate more Swedes and local employees," Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde told reporters.

Both Linde and the head of Sweden's Migration Agency, Mikael Ribbenvik, said that even though the airlift had ended, the Scandinavian country would continue to try to help people associated with Sweden to leave the country.



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