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SURVEY: Are you planning to travel abroad this summer despite the pandemic?

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The Local - [email protected]
SURVEY: Are you planning to travel abroad this summer despite the pandemic?

Many international residents living around Europe are desperately hoping to be able to travel this summer. Please take a minute to complete a quick survey to let us know why you intend to travel and what complications you face.


International residents living in around Europe have for the most part been unable to travel abroad for over a year. 

For many this has meant being unable to see close family and friends back home.

Many are desperately hoping to travel this summer but with the rise of Covid-19 variants and ongoing restrictions at borders it is not clear whether they will be able to travel abroad.

Please take a minute to take part in this quick survey of readers. We will use the information and responses you provide for a future article on travel.

If the survey does not load below you can click here to start.




Comments (5)

Join the conversation in our comments section below. Share your own views and experience and if you have a question or suggestion for our journalists then email us at [email protected].
Please keep comments civil, constructive and on topic – and make sure to read our terms of use before getting involved.

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Anonymous 2021/06/01 08:05
Of course I am going to travel . The only ones the French don't want are the British . Brexit has come and bitten them on their bottoms .
Anonymous 2021/06/01 08:05
Of course I am going to travel . The only ones the French don't want are the British . Brexit has come and bitten them on their bottoms . Oh Gawd the Empire really has crashed and I am an Old Etonian laughing my head off .
Anonymous 2021/05/30 23:16
Mea culpa. I just read the introduction to the survey and I see that it clearly states that my name will be used. I apologize for the above comment. Feel free to use my survey and name. I think this is a very interesting and useful upcoming topic. I would be curious to learn the results of the survey. Cheers, Michael.D
  • Anonymous 2021/05/31 16:37
    No worries, Michael! Thanks for responding to the survey – we'll share the results in an article, hopefully soon. Have a great day!
Anonymous 2021/05/30 23:02
Sadly, I must agree with j.lovenduski. I was surprised to see that I had consented to the use of my name after I had submitted the survey. Had I been notified at the point my name was requested, I could have made an informed decision. As such, I refuse to consent to have my name being used. Please withdraw my submission.
Anonymous 2021/05/30 14:41
I just completed your survey and only after I submitted it did a message appear saying thatI consent for you to use my name. THIS FEELS ODDLY DISHONEST ON YOUR PRT. I WOULD NOT HAVE SUBMITTED HAD I KNOWN IN ADVANCE. I DO NOT CONSENT.PLEASE DO NOT USE MY NAME. PKEASE WITHDRAW MY SUBMISSION.
  • Anonymous 2021/05/31 16:35
    Hi j.lovenduski, the article states just above the survey that "We will use the information and responses you provide for a future article on travel". We won't use your name without your consent and will withdraw your submission as requested. Have a good day!

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