
Denmark ’in dialogue’ over swap for AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines

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Ritzau/The Local - [email protected]
Denmark ’in dialogue’ over swap for AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines
Sundhedsminister Magnus Heunicke ankommer til samråd om initiativ til at gøre hjemmesiden mere brugervenlig onsdag den 7. april 2021. (foto: Martin Sylvest/Ritzau Scanpix 2021).

Denmark is in discussions with a number of countries over exchanging its shelved Covid-19 vaccines from AstraZeneca.


Health minister Magnus Heunicke confirmed that discussions were taking place on Monday.

“Here and now, we still need safe and approved vaccines. That is Pfizer and Moderna at this time,” Heunicke said.

“If we can arrange a swap deal with other countries whereby we send AstraZeneca vaccines to them and we get some of their Pfizer vaccines, that would naturally be interesting,” he added.


The minister said that “the sooner we can get the population vaccinated, the faster we can lift Denmark out of the pandemic”.


He did not reveal the identity of the countries with which Denmark is in discussion.

“It is too early to say whether we will be successful but it would certainly be of great interest for us,” Heunicke said.

No lack of interest has been shown in acquiring the Danish vaccines, according to the minister.

“As there are many countries around us which have an epidemic on a completely different level to Denmark,” he said.

Last week, Denmark said it would stop using the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine in its national inoculation programme, becoming the first European country to do so over suspected rare but serious side effects.



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