
Swedish zoo's baby elephant dies after her family rejects her

AFP/The Local
AFP/The Local - [email protected]
Swedish zoo's baby elephant dies after her family rejects her
The little elephant calf, which was born on March 26th. Photo: Borås Djurpark/TT

A two-week-old elephant who was rejected by her family following the birth of another elephant calf has died in Sweden.


"Despite three days of intensive care with a vet and carers at her side night and day the little animal left us today," Sweden's Borås Zoo said in a post on Instagram showing keepers surrounding the mammal.

"Her body could not take any more and she had to go to sleep".

The female was born on March 26th and had yet to be given a name.

She was rejected after the birth on Monday of a male elephant at the zoo, which describes itself as one the biggest and most modern in the country.


The zoo said there was nothing that could be done to stop the rejection.

"We are all very saddened, but at the same time we are trying to rejoice that the other elephant seems alert and awake," the message added.

Borås Djurpark, in western Sweden, has a dozen African savannah elephants, but in-captivity births are rare.

In the wild, population numbers have sharply declined after decades of poaching and shrinking habitats.

Half a century ago, 1.5 million elephants roamed Africa, but in the most recent large-scale assessment of population numbers in 2016, only 415,000 remained.



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