
Danish businesses could be fined thousands for failing to follow 'corona passport' rules

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Ritzau/The Local - [email protected]
Danish businesses could be fined thousands for failing to follow 'corona passport' rules
App'en MinSundhed fotograferet på en smartphone, tirsdag den 23. marts 2021. Fra slutningen af marts vil appen "MinSundhed" fungere som et simpelt coronapas.. (Foto: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix)

Businesses required to demand customers present valid ‘corona passports’ under Denmark’s requirements for lifting restrictions could face heavy fines for not complying with rules.


Owners of small businesses that do not live up to the requirements can be fined 3,000 kroner, while medium-sized and larger companies can be fined 6,000 and 12,000 kroner respectively.

The potential fine amounts were confirmed by the Danish Ministry of Justice to newspaper Politiken.

“The intention is that there will be set rules (stating) that failing to comply with corona passport rules can be punishable with a fine,” the ministry said via written comment.

The use of fines to enforce the corona passports was already confirmed, but the amounts had not yet been clarified. 

Denmark has previously announced plans for the introduction of a ‘corona passport’, which will serve as a crucial part of the reopening.

Set up as a smartphone application, the ‘corona passport’ certifies that the holder has had a negative test in the last 72 hours, a vaccination or has recently recovered from Covid-19, conferring immunity to the disease.


Paper certificates are also being distributed to vaccinated Danes or those who have tested negative but do not have a smartphone. 

Starting on April 6th, the passports will be required for people wanting to go to hairdressers, and for when outdoor service of food and drinks resumes on April 21st.

READ ALSO: How will Denmark use ‘corona passports’ in post-restriction reality?

Small businesses are defined as having up to nine staff. Medium-sized businesses are those with 10-49 employees, and large companies have 50 or more people on their payroll.

For each of the three categories, fines increase on second and third offences: to 6,000 and then 9,000 kroner for small businesses and 12,000-18,000 kroner or 30,000-45,000 kroner respectively for medium and large companies, according to Politiken’s report.

Meanwhile, a customer can also be fined for refusing to leave a business after being denied its services due to not fulfilling corona passport requirements.

The company has the right to call the police in such a situation. This can result in a 2,500 kroner fine to the customer: the same amount as for fines which can currently be given for breaching assembly limits or face mask requirements.


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Anonymous 2021/03/30 20:38
How does a foreign visitor to Denmark obtain a Danish corona passport? I am fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine in the United States. I wish to visit my girlfriend in Denmark in April under the "Solemn Declaration on relationship for use in connection with entry." I do not belong to the Danish medical system.

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