VIDEO: My Parisian life: working in 'the heart of the luxury industry'

When it comes to luxury brands, no city can compete with Paris. But beyond the glamorous ads in glossy magazines or on billboards, what's the industry really like for those who work in it?

Published: Fri 29 Jan 2021 15:30 CEST
VIDEO: My Parisian life: working in 'the heart of the luxury industry'
Photos: Megha Malagatti/Getty Images
In partnership with ESSEC Business School, The Local takes a closer look at the luxury sector – and how to land a top job within it. In the video below, two graduates of ESSEC's Global MBA in Luxury Brand Management share their stories and insights from the heart of the luxury industry. 

This video was produced by The Local Creative Studio and sponsored by ESSEC Business School.




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