
'Devastating': Anger and dismay after UK decides to pull out of EU's Erasmus student scheme

The Local France
The Local France - [email protected]
'Devastating': Anger and dismay after UK decides to pull out of EU's Erasmus student scheme
Erasmus exchange students from all over Europe pose with a Bambi award in the Millenium category during the Bambi media prize ceremony on November 21, 2019. AFP

British students will no longer be able to participate in the Erasmus exchange programme after UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson rejected the chance to continue participating in the scheme.


Speaking after the Brexit deal was announced the EU's negotiator Michel Barnier said: "I am simply expressing two regrets about this societal cooperation. 

"That the British government chose not to participate in the Erasmus exchange program."

Barnier also expressed regret that the UK decided to end freedom of movement in another blow to the "social mobility" of young Britons.

Erasmus has been in operation since the late 1980s and has allowed British students to study at universities in the EU member states for set periods of time.

Tens of thousands have taken advantage of the scheme and the small financial grants it offers to help students study abroad.


British PM Boris Johnson defended the decision to end participation in Erasmus saying : "It was a tough decision" but said "Erasmus was extremely expensive."

He said the government will replace Erasmus with “a UK scheme for students to go around the world, it will be called the Turing scheme... named after Alan Turing”

But on Twitter young people and those who have participated in Erasmus were dismayed.

"Erasmus changed my life. I'm devastated thousands of British students won't get to experience the joy of meeting people from different European cultures," said one.

Sofia Lew is tweeted: "I'm heartbroken that so many opportunities will be lost due to the UK's decision to leave Erasmus. Not just student exchanges, but adult education, vocational training, youth work etc. A UK equivalent CANNOT deliver the same impact. This'll be devastating for social mobility.

Another on Twitter simply said: "What a blow for everyone with aspirations for a better world."




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Anonymous 2020/12/27 13:24
Britain's "global" alternative is only great for families who can afford to send their kids half way across the world - out of the price range of those of "normal" means.

Boris did promise we weren't going to leave Erasmus...
Anonymous 2020/12/26 09:38
EU universities are not ranked very highly and Britain's global alternative sounds a better idea.
Anonymous 2020/12/25 16:36
We call it in France, shooting oneself in the foot!!!
Anonymous 2020/12/24 23:37
Buller Buller Buller
Anonymous 2020/12/24 20:36
"Erasmus is expensive" says the man who went to Eton. Disconnected caste etonians and their ilk arguably do more damage than good.

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