
EU urges countries to reinstate curbs to halt coronavirus resurgence

AFP/The Local
AFP/The Local - [email protected]
EU urges countries to reinstate curbs to halt coronavirus resurgence
Germany was one of the countries that reported most of the new cases in late July, said ECDC. Photo: John MacDougall/AFP

EU health authorities have urged countries to consider reinstating some restrictions if they have started seeing a resurgence of new coronavirus cases.


In its latest risk assessment, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) said there was evidence that the novel coronavirus was picking up speed.

"While many countries are now testing mild and asymptomatic cases, which has resulted in increased case reports, there is a true resurgence in cases in several countries as a result of physical distancing measures being relaxed," the agency said.

The Stockholm-based agency said for those countries seeing an increase "the risk of further escalation of Covid-19 is high".

If those countries fail to implement or reinforce restrictions, the risk was "very high", it warned.



According to the ECDC, countries that had seen the increase after control measures were lifted, "should consider re-instating selected measures through a phased, step-wise and sustainable approach".

The ECDC also said the total number of daily cases, as well as the 14-day incidence rate seemed to be increasing, "although it is currently lower than the first peak which occurred on April 9th, 2020".

In the two weeks leading up to August 2th, most of the over 100,000 new cases were reported in Spain, Romania, France, the UK and Germany, it said.

According to a tally by AFP, over 3.3 million cases of Covid-19 have so far been recorded in Europe as well as 213,353 deaths.



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