
France hopes for better relations with new Italian government

AFP - [email protected]
France hopes for better relations with new Italian government

France is hoping for more constructive relations with Italy's new pro-European government, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Sunday.


"This government appears more... determined to have positive relations with France, more open also to implementing shared migratory policies," Le Drian told French radio stations.

"We are ready to talk about it," he added.

Italy's new coalition between the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S) and centre-left Democratic Party (PD) was sworn in last Thursday.

The former coalition between Matteo Salvini's far-right League party and the M5S headed by Luigi Di Maio was hostile to Paris in its 14 months in government.

Salvini accused French President Emmanuel Macron of showing "arrogance" and "hypocrisy" on immigration matters.

Le Drian said Sunday he has written to Di Maio, his new counterpart appointed last week. "I hope we will have more constructive relations with Italy," Le Drian said.

"Everyone sees there is a new deal, that we are no longer trading insults and posturing. We are willing to act together within the European Union," the French minister said.

Asked about the political fate of Salvini, who caused the collapse of the previous Italian government, Le Drian said: "There are times when some politicians, as we have seen with Mr. Salvini, see themselves as stronger than they are, and they make mistakes."

"I'm not sure (Salvini) will return to power", he added.



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