
Storm 'Hilde' threatens northern Sweden

TT/The Local/pvs
TT/The Local/pvs - [email protected]
Storm 'Hilde' threatens northern Sweden
The mountains in Jämtland. Photo: TT

A storm, named Hilde by the Norwegian weather agency threatens to blow in across northern Sweden during the early hours of Sunday bringing with it heavy snowfalls in Jämtland and southern Lapland.


Hilde's path is currently forecast to swing in across the Norwegian mountains and into Sweden in the early hours of Sunday morning. Sweden's meteorological agency SMHI has issued a class two storm warning which has been extended to include the coasts of Norrbotten and Västerbotten.
"There could be gales of up to 25 metres per second," said Markus Sjöstedt at SMHI to the TT news agency.
Those who live or are planning to visit Norrland have been advised to follow SMHI's updates.
"We are adapting our operations in accordance with SMHI warnings and we always initiate a region wide cooperation when a class 2 warning is issued," said Karin Börjesson at the Norrbotten County Administrative Board.
Adverse weather conditions have also been forecast for other parts of northern Sweden, from Härjedalen and northward. Strong wnds are forecasts and class 1 warning has been issued for the area.
When Hilde, which originated in a low pressure front over Iceland and the Norwegian Sea, pulls eastward storms are expected in the Gulf of Bothnia on Sunday morning. Other coastal areas of western Sweden, as well as lake Vänern, could also experience gale-force conditions.
"When the storm pulls away the winds will calm down during tomorrow. calms winds down as tomorrow. Then it is a matter of mainly moderate winds in the south and in part lively winds in the north," Sjöstedt said.


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