
Löfven won’t block profits in care sector

TT/The Local/gm
TT/The Local/gm - [email protected]
Löfven won’t block profits in care sector

New Social Democrat leader Stefan Löfven has ruled out the possibility of forbidding companies from making profits in the care sector.


Despite a string of recent scandals in privately run heatlh orgnaisations, the new leader doesn’t think it is possible to implement a ban on such profiteering. However he made it clear that he is not happy about where the money ends up going.

”We do not believe in prohibiting such actions, but it is unjustifiably wrong that tax money made from the care sector goes to tax havens. We must find a way to handle it without saying that we do not want freedom of choice,” Löfven told TT.

Löfven believes that the areas his party needs to target first are large cities where the Social Democrats have been losing ground in the opinion polls, especially to the environmental parties in Stockholm.

”It is crucial that there is good care, good care for the elderly, and good schooling. We must be more specific over what we demand of health care practitioners, which could for example, be a question of staffing,” he added.

Löfven has already started the process of winning back lost voters as he looks to improves ratings in the polls. He hinted that he will take a close look at the current party policies before deciding on a course of action and there is still a large question mark over possible coalition partners.

Löfven refused to rule out either going it alone or forming a new red-green coalition.

”You should never just stick to a single solution. If you are going to take responsibility for the country you must ensure that there is a government that is supported in Parliament and that people feel safe,” said the new leader.


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