
Malmö shooter probed in additional incident

TT/The Local/vt
TT/The Local/vt - [email protected]
Malmö shooter probed in additional incident

Police are investigating whether 38-year-old Peter Mangs, who is in detention for murder and six attempted murders in Malmö, may also have been involved in a shooting four years ago.


A 16-year-old boy shot was in the head in the Kroksbäck district, newspaper Sydsvenskan reported on Friday.

The boy was found bleeding and thought he had been beaten in the head. However, it turned out he had been shot in the head with a small-calibre weapon. Someone had been hiding in some bushes and shot at him.

According to Detective Superindentent Börje Sjöholm, the police are interested in a dozen other earlier shootings prior to 2009. However, he refused to comment on specific cases.

Mangs is under suspicion for two previous attempted murders in addition to the one murder and six attempted murders that he is currently being held for.

On November 9th, Mangs was arrested in Malmö. His detention period expired on December 7th. However, the 38-year-old chose to voluntarily remain in custody for two weeks without negotiation for detention.

The investigation will not be completed this year, the police added.


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